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Teaching Classroom

There are four classrooms in this department that provide general courses for university students. Each class provides a classroom for teaching. Except for courses that require the use of computers and practical equipment, the other courses are arranged in general classrooms and are used by all classes. In their own classrooms, students have their own classrooms, and students can use their own classrooms for self-study if there is no time for class. There is a seminar room for graduate students of the department's graduate school, which provides conference tables and chairs for more than 20 people. Graduate students can borrow them when they are in class or when discussing with professors and peers. It can also be used by teachers and students of the department on regular meetings. The department also provides a self-study classroom. In addition to serving as a department library, it houses professional collections, past student practice reports, master's graduation thesis, and also provides computers and conference tables for students of the department to study or discuss their work in their spare time.