莊作彬(Tso-Bing, Juang)

莊老師 Title 箭頭


University Librarian

Awarded with Outstanding Teaching

Awarded with Outstanding Undergraduate Student Mentoring

Academic Background 箭頭

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Information Engineering, NSYSU,Kaohsiung,Taiwan

Visiting Scholar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

IEEE Senior Member 

Expertise 箭頭

 High-Speed Arithmetical Unit Design

VLSI Systems and Architecture Design

Email Address 箭頭  tsobing@npic.edu.tw

Extension 箭頭

  Personal Homepage箭頭



Lecturer at Tajen University, Taiwan (87/8~94/1)

Assistant Professor at Tajen University, Taiwan (94/2~95/1)

Assistant Professor at Pingtung Instute of Commerce, Taiwan (95/2~99/7)

Associate Professor at Pingtung Instute of Commerce, Taiwan (99/8~103/7)

Section Chief of Academic Development in Research and Development Divsion at Pingtung Instute of Commerce, Taiwan (102/2~103/7)

Associate Professor & Chairman at NPTU,Taiwan (103/8~107/1)

Professor & Chairman at NPTU,Taiwan (107/2~109/7)

Professor & University Librarian at NPTU,Taiwan(109/8~Up To Now)